There is nothing worse than a stagnant organization

Business leaders seem to agree that strategic alignment is high on the list of key success factors.

Achieve your key strategic objectives with our augmented consulting solution

Stakeholder alignment

Stakeholder alignment

Strengthening the links between the company and its complex and polymorphous ecosystem is essential for a deep and lasting transformation

Collaborative web platform

Plateforme web collaborative

Responding to the evolution of remote collaboration methods is essential so that your transformation projects are no longer confined

Real-time inventory

État des lieux en temps réel

Measuring the impact of the collective effort continuously, systematically and without additional effort is necessary to drive change

15+ years of talking to change-driven managers like you

Muriel Louapres
Maître de conférence
@IUT Paris Descartes

Dynamique et impliqué, Romain Maltrud est un enseignant très apprécié des étudiants de la LP Chef de projet de communication (IUT Paris Descartes) où il est intervenu plusieurs années durant. Il apporte à la formation sa connaissance pointue du secteur, et un pragmatisme bienvenu dans une formation courte et professionnalisante, qui accueille aussi bien des étudiants de formation initiale que des adultes en formation continue.

Jenny Le Doridour
Founding Partner
@Orbiss, Inc

I worked with Romain for 1 year as an extern accountant. Romain has a good creative spirit to develop and setup software to help and organize the company. He is a good communicant and it has been a pleasure to work with him. I would highly recommend to hire him as he is an exceptional project manager and a dedicated worker who will bring success to your firm.

Guillem Domingo
Abogado especialista en Derecho de Empresa y en Fiscalidad Internacional

Colaboré con Romain cuando ocupaba el puesto de responsable financiero de un gran Grupo Francés, coordinando con maestría las distintas filiales en el mundo. En este periodo, me sorprendió de Romain su alta capacidad reactiva y proactividad, demostrando su capacidad de adaptación a las circunstancias y empatía hacia terceros. Su gran formación y experiencia le garantiza el éxito en cualquier proyecto en los que intervenga.

Divya Chakravarthy
Youtube Strategic Program Manager - Creator Content

Romain was an inspiration to work with and an absolute wizard when it came to automating processes and analysing data. For a company that was spread across 8 countries with each having its own financial systems and procedures, Romain created a tool that seamlessly integrated them all together and made sense of the company’s standing at any point of time.

He is unfazed at the sign of trouble and takes control of any situation ensuring an efficient and long term solution. As someone who was new to finance, Romain helped me understand and run finances for the company without breaking into a sweat.

From The Insight

Learn from the best. Boost your transformation.


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Tools offered to boost your performance


A collaborative change management platform